RoseBUNYANList of mourners attending the Funeral service of the late Mrs Rose Bunyan on Thursday 27th February 2020 at St Mary's Church Broughton The service was officiated by Reverend David Eames with Funeral arrangements by Jason Threadgold Funeral Director. Arthur Bunyan (Husband), Chris Bunyan (Son), Mr and Mrs Michael Bunyan (Son & Daughter-in-Law), Mr and Mrs Russell Bunyan (Son & Daughter-in-Law), Ian Bunyan and Diane Jarvis (Son & Partner), Dave Bunyan (Grandson), Mark Bunyan (Grandson), Tom Bunyan (Grandson), Mr and Mrs Blake (Granddaughter & Husband), Mr and Mrs Caddick (Granddaughter & Husband), Zoe Bunyan and Paul Shelldon (Granddaughter & Partner), Mr and Mrs Ward (Granddaughter & Husband), Dan Bunyan and Ella Hobson (Grandson & Partner),Honey Bunyan and Luke Cotton (Granddaughter & Partner) , Ronnie and Jean Simpson (In-laws). Margaret Burton, Laura Staves, Keith Portess, Fiona and Dean Lingard, Mr Graves rep Fred, Christine Holmes, David and Jennifer Wells, Carol Dickinson, Mary Hunsley, Christine and Steven Blackburn, Anne Glover, Mr and Mrs Robinson, Harold and Barbara Pearson, John Berry rep Suzanne Grainger, Jeanette Anderton rep Mike Graves, Christine Gow, Natalie and Emma (Hairdressers), Mr and Mrs Jarvis, Cllr and Mrs Nigel Sherwood, Carl Sherwood rep Louise McKennon, Jean Bourbon, Ann Smith, Mr and Mrs McCapp, Jean Gawley, Mrs Wade rep Mr Wade, Peter and Sue Janson, Trevor Foster rep Angela Foster, John England, Nicholas Pickering rep Rod Waltham & Andrew, Alicia Hunt rep Holly Mumby-Croft MP, Mr and Mrs Owen Bowness rep Mr and Mrs Adrian Bowness, Mr and Mrs Bryan Wells, Amanda Holmes, Diane Fish, Sue Wells, Mr Peter and rs Julia Williams, Mr and Mrs Keith Smith, Jeffrey Waddington rep Mrs Waddington, Mrs Jennifer Bowers,Mrs Ladlow, Mrs Scott, Mrs Barbara Nevin, Mr A Mitchell, Ian and Tracey Williams rep Ryan Williams, Jack and Pauline Toyne, Louise Price rep Marlene Robinson, Maureen and Richard Green, Peter Lodge, David and Tracy Green, Leslie Whitehand rep Jerry & John Welbourn, Mrs Pauline Bower, Anne Fenwick, Mr and Mrs Dobson.
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